For those sending in deposits and/or expense recoveries. We will receive checks/cash as usual with a Cash Sale Report attached. We will keep using the Receipt Log Sheets and D-Receipts we currently have until we run out and switch over to using just the Cash Sale Report I’ve created and have attached below. For bankcard/bank settlements/customer receipts please use the Cash Sale Report below and send us a pdf file of the Cash Sale report with the bankcard/bank settlements/customer receipts via email to
Make sure to include the following:
- Revenue Category (Source-Subsource): What the deposit is for.
- If it is an expense recovery provide the Spend Category (Object-Subobject) only
- Crosswalk for Revenue Category & Spend Category
- Please do not use internal sales. This is for WSU Pullman campus internal use only. 451-XX are for Extension offices and any other sales.
- Provide one of the following required worktags (Budget-Project/Account number): Project/Program/Gift/Grant. It is helpful to have the Cost Center, Fund, Function, and Region to check that it populated correctly.
- Taxes: For those that include taxes for sale of books or apparel merchandise, please keep in mind updated tax rates.
Kind reminder: Cash Deposit Reports are no longer used.
Please fill out the following form, print out and attach to deposits and/or recoveries: Cash Sale Report
Mailing Address
CAHNRS Business Services
PO Box 646235
Pullman, WA 99164-6235
PO Box 646235
Pullman, WA 99164-6235